
The Monitor—>History page displays the historical traffic for your system, virtual
services and real services. It is a great way to see load balancing in
action and view any errors or patterns over time. Note that you must
enable historical logging from the Configure–> History page.

How Do I Access My Graphs?

1. Choose a Database:


Selecting this database will allow you to see CPU, memory and disk drive space over time

Virtual Services:

Selecting this database will allow you
to choose all of the virtual services in the database from the time
that you started logging data

Real Services:

Selecting this database will allow you
to choose all the real servers in the database from the time that you
started logging the data.

2. Choose VS/RS: Virtual Service or Real Server: Note this will be blank if you choose the system database as it is not relevant

If Virtual Services Database chosen from above. You should now see a list of virtual services. Tick those that you wish to view

If Real Servers Database chosen from above. You should now see a list of real servers. Tick those that you wish to view


3. Choose a time frame:

Last Minute:

The graph will contain 60 data points, one for each second

Last Hour:

The graph will contain 60 data points, one for each minute

Last Week:

The graph will contain 24 data points, one for each hour

Last Month:

The graph will contain 32 data points one for each day

Last Year:

The graph will contain 24 data points, two for each month


4. Choose a metric


CPU % – This will show the maximum/average CPU % over the time period selected
Memory % – This will show the maximum/average Memory % over the time period selected
Compression % – This will show the maximum/average Compression % over the time period selected
Virtual Services:
Bytes in – This will show the maximum/average traffic flow in from the server in Bytes over the time period selected
Bytes out – This will show the maximum/average traffic flow out to the client in Bytes over the time period selected
Bytes cached –  This will show the maximum/average size of the cached objects in Bytes over the time period selected
Compression %
Current Connections
Request per second
Cache HIts
Cache Hits%
Real Servers:
Bytes in
Current Connections:
Pool Size
Request per second


5. Choose what to Show


This will show the average values over the period of time selected


This will show the maximum data values over the period of time selected

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