
The Monitor—>History page displays the historical traffic for your system, virtual services and real services. It is a great way to see load balancing in action and view any errors or patterns over time. Note that you must enable historical logging from the Configure–> History page.


How do i see some graphs?

1. Choose a Database:

System: Selecting this database will allow you to see CPU, memory and disk drive space over time Virtual Services: Selecting this database will allow you to choose all of the virtual services in the database from the time that you started logging data Real Services: Selecting this database will allow you to choose all the real servers in the database from the time that you started logging the data.

2. Choose VS/RS: Virtual Service or Real Server: Note this will be blank if you choose the system database as it is not relevant

If Virtual Services Database chosen from above. You should now see a list of virtual services. Tick those that you wish to view


If Real Servers Database chosen from above. You should now see a list of real servers. Tick those that you wish to view


3. Choose a time frame:

Last Minute: The graph will contain 60 data points, one for each second Last Hour: The graph will contain 60 data points, one for each minute Last Week: The graph will contain 24 data points, one for each hour Last Month: The graph will contain 32 data points one for each day Last Year: The graph will contain 24 data points, two for each month

4. Choose a metric

System: CPU % – This will show the maximum/average CPU % over the time period selected
Memory % – This will show the maximum/average Memory % over the time period selected
Compression % – This will show the maximum/average Compression % over the time period selected Virtual Services: Bytes in – This will show the maximum/average traffic flow in from the server in Bytes over the time period selected
Bytes out – This will show the maximum/average traffic flow out to the client in Bytes over the time period selected
Bytes cached – This will show the maximum/average size of the cached objects in Bytes over the time period selected
Compression %
Current Connections
Request per second
Cache HIts
Cache Hits% Real Servers: Bytes in
Current Connections:
Pool Size
Request per second

5. Choose what to Show

Averages: This will show the average values over the period of time selected Maximum: This will show the maximum data values over the period of time selected


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