
The Services–>Capture
page allows you capture the information on an individual interface or all interfaces

The page is organised into the section below:


  1. Complete each box
  2. Click Generate
  3. Once
    the capture has run your browser will pop-up and ask you where to
    save the file. It will be in the format “jetNEXUS.cap.gz”
  4. Email this file to
  5. You can view the contents using wireshark


Choose your adapter from the drop-down, typically eth0 or eth1.  You can also capture all interfaces with “any


This is the maximum amount of packets to capture. Typically 99999


Choose a maximum time that the capture
will run for. A typical time is 15 seconds for high traffic sites. The
GUI will be inaccessible during the capture period

To maintain performance we have limited the download file to 2MB. If you
find that this is not enough to capture all the data you require we can
increase this figure.
This will have an impact on performance of live sites. To increase the available capture size please apply a global setting jetPACK to increase the capture size.

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