Hardware Installation Guide


Hardware Specification


Front Aspect


Rear Aspect


Serial Console Settings

Baud 38400
Parity no
Bits 8
Stop Bit 1

Basic Configuration

First Boot

Please ensure you have plugged in a live ethernet cable into eth0. On first boot the jetNEXUS ALB-X will try and obtain an IP address using DHCP. If there is no DHCP server present it will boot with it’s default IP address of On subsequent boots DHCP is disabled.

You now have three ways to setup your jetNEXUS ALB-X. The simplest way to initially configure your jetNEXUS ALB-X is via the edgeNEXUS Discovery Application.

edgeNEXUS Discovery Application

You can obtain the edgeNEXUS Discovery Application from here

edgeNEXUS Discovery is designed to make the initial configuration of the jetNEXUS ALB-X easy. The application can be installed onto a desktop and will scan the local network for edgeNEXUS devices. Please ensure the jetNEXUS ALB-X and the computer that is running jnDiscovery are on the same network. Once found, essential information such as an initial management IP address can be easily assigned.

How to use edgeNEXUS Discovery

Copy the edgeNEXUS application onto your desktop and run the installation. After the installation is complete double click on the Discover Icon to launch the edgeNEXUS discovery application.


The edgeNEXUS Accelerating Load Balancer Discovery will then open, showing you a list of edgeNEXUS appliances in your network.

Right click on the on device you would like to configure and select “configure”.


A message box like the following below will then pop up. Note this ALB-X has not been able to find a DHCP serer so has assigned the default IP Address of


You will be prompted for the following information:

IP Address:

The management IP address of the jetNEXUS ALB-X.

Network Mask:

The Network Mask of the jetNEXUS ALB-X management IP

Configuration Port:

The Configuration Port of the secure Graphical User Interface (GUI)


The Default Gateway. This is needed to gain access from browsers not on the local subnet.

Server Ref:

A name to identify the jetNEXUS ALB-X

In this example we have configured the following details:


Once you click on the Apply button you will be prompted for the password:


The default password is: jetnexus

Your Configured device with the new IP,Subnet and ServerRef will now show in the discovery screen.


Double click on the ALB you would like to configure and it will load the web admin in a browser:


Please ignore the warning and click “Continue to this website”. This will take you to the GUI for further configuration.

The User Guide is available here

Command Line

Login Details

Default username= admin
Default password = jetnexus

First Boot – Manual Network Details

Upon first boot you will have a 10s opportunity to interupt automatic assignment of IP details via DHCP
To interupt click into the console and press any key
You can then enter the following details manaully
IP Address
Subnet Mask
DNS Server


First Boot – DHCP successful

If you do not interrupt when prompted then your jetNEUXS ALB-X willl then try to conntact a DHCP server to assign it’s network details
If contact is successful then your machine will be assign the following details
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
DNS Sever
These changes will survice after reboot and dont need to be configured again on the GUI

First Boot – DHCP Fails

If you do not have a DHCP server or the connection fails then the IP Adress will be assigned
The IP address will increase by 1 untill a free address is found
If is already assigned to the network then it will assign and so on

Change the Management IP Address


Change the Subnet Mask for eth0


Assign a Default Gateway


Check the Default Gateway has been added


You should now be able to access the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Default GUI address = https://
Default Secure port = 443
Default Username = admin
Default Password = jetnexus

The User Guide is available here

Command Reference Table

Command Parameter1 Parameter2 Description Example
date This will show the configured date and time that is currently configured Tue Sept 3 13:00 UTC 2013
defaults Assign the factory default settings for your appliance
exit Log out of the command line interface
help Displays all valid commands
ifconfig [blank] View the interface configuration for all interfaces ifconfig
eth0 View the interface configuration of eth0 only ifconfig eth0
machineid This command will provide the machineid used to licence the jetNEXUS ALB-X EF4-3A35-F79
quit Log out of the command line interface
reboot Terminate all connections and reboot the jetNEXUS ALB-X reboot
restart Restart the jetNEXUS ALB-X virtual services
route [blank] View the routing table route
add default gw Add the default gateway IP address route add default gw
set greenside Set the management IP address for ALB-X set greenside=
mask Set the subnet mask for an interface. Interface names are eth0, eth1…. set mask eth0
show Displays the global configuration settings
shutdown Terminate all connections and power-off the jetNEXUS ALB-X
status Displays the current data statistics
top View the process information such as CPU and Memory
viewlog messages Displays the raw syslog messages viewlog messages

Please note: Commands are not case sensitive. There is no command history.

Graphical User Interface

Please access your GUI interface at location https://:27376 for all builds prior to 3.54.1 (Build 1540)

The default port has now been changed to 443 for all builds deployed after April 2014 and Software version 3.54.1 (Build 1540)


View the User Guide here

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